

With more than 20,000 recorded species found worldwide, bees are winged insects. The largest of these species, Megachile pluto, is estimated to be 3.9 cm long, while the smallest of the bees, Perdita minima, is less than 2 mm long. Bees with red, yellow or lustrous blue stripes may be black or brown.

Although bees can in many ways help the ecosystem, having a bee hive thrive near your home is inconvenient and potentially harmful. Generally speaking, bees only sting to defend themselves or to protect the nest. Most stings are only slightly painful, although there may be an allergic reaction in certain individuals.

Bees in your home

When looking for a place to nest, bees often find their way into homes. The insects prefer dark and secure environments, so they also suit their needs with wall voids or chimneys. There is a chance of bee infestations in every living space open to the outside. Via baseboards, electric outlets, and gaps in walls, some organisms that nest in wall voids fly within the living room.

Bees Hives

Bees Behavior

Species such as honey bees and bumble bees are highly social, although some bees are solitary. Three castes are made up of bee colonies: the queen bee, infertile female worker bees, and male drones.

For the rest of their lives, the queen mates and lays eggs. Honey bee queens can live up to five years, but a lifespan of two to three years is usually typical. Male drones only live to fertilize the queen and soon die after their assignment has been fulfilled. A multitude of tasks required for the survival of the hive are carried out by female worker bees.

bee, insecta, wings


These insects are also attracted by flowers and thriving plants, and there is no insect as important as the bee when it comes to pollination. Both bees are hairy, a key feature for the processing of pollen.

Many species of female bees have rows of bristles that form a hollow basket on their hind legs. When the bee lands on a flower, the hollow basket and bristles are combed with pollen grains. Cross-pollination happens because, when the bee alights upon them, the displaced grains of pollen are dispersed to the fertile pistils of other flowers.


What Do They Eat?

While only females can transfer pollen, all bees can use a tongue-like organ to drink the nectar from flowers. This nectar is their main energy source. For both adult and larval bees, pollen is sustenance, as it includes proteins and other nutrients required for their survival. Bees possess an organ that converts nectar into honey, which is gathered within the hive or bee colony, depending on the species.

How to get rid of Bees ?

It is crucial to recognize the specific species living near your home properly, as bees are frequently mistaken for wasps, each needing unique methods of treatment.

Efficient implementation techniques, as well as the drawbacks and dangers associated with each process, also need to be understood. Special licenses are required for treating infestations in many regions.

The only way to rid a home of bees is to remove the hive entirely. For safety and efficiency purposes, contact Benlux Hygiene for bee control.